Michael Jordan Died Today? No, Its Another Hoax About The NBA Legend

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 Michael Jordan, the former basketball superstar and current owner of the Charlotte Hornets, has been the target of several death hoaxes over the years. The latest one surfaced on social media in February 2024, claiming that he had died of a heart attack at his home. However, this is not true. Michael Jordan is alive and well, and still involved in the NBA. ## The Source of the Death Hoax The death hoax originated from a fake website called NotAllowedTo.com, which posted an article titled "Michael Jordan - Former NBA Superstar Found Dead In His Residence". The article claimed that Jordan was found dead in his sleep by his wife, and that the cause of his death was a heart attack. The article also included a photo of Jordan lying on a hospital bed, with wires attached to his chest. However, the website and the article were part of a hoax. NotAllowedTo.com is a notorious website that publishes fake news and death reports about celebrities and public figures. The website has a disclaimer that says: "This website is satirical and fictional. All content contained within is purely for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental."The photo of Jordan was also fake, and was taken from a video of him undergoing a medical check-up in 2013, as part of a promotional campaign for NBA 2K14, a video game that featured him on the cover. The video was uploaded on YouTube by 2K Sports, the game's publisher, and showed Jordan joking and smiling during the examination. The website and the article were designed to fool people and generate clicks and shares on social media. The article was shared by thousands of users, who expressed their shock and sadness over the alleged death of Jordan. Some users also commented that they had seen other reports of Jordan's death on other websites, such as Mediamass and MSN. However, these websites were also part of the hoax. Mediamass is a satire website that generates fake news and death reports about celebrities, as explained earlier. MSN is a legitimate news website, but it was hacked by pranksters who inserted a fake headline and link to the NotAllowedTo.com article on its sports section. The headline read: "Michael Jordan reveals death in the family amid absence in Chris Chelios jersey retirement". The link was later removed by MSN after it was discovered by its staff. ## The Truth About Michael Jordan's Health and Career Michael Jordan is not dead, but alive and healthy. He has not reported any major health issues or illnesses in recent years, except for some back pain that he attributed to his age and years of playing basketball. He said in an interview in 2020: "I'm feeling good, but I have some aches and pains in my back. It's normal for someone who played the game for so long. I just have to take care of myself and stay active." Michael Jordan has also been active in other aspects of his career and life. He has been involved in various business ventures, such as his brand Jordan, which produces shoes, clothing, and accessories. He has also been a spokesperson and endorser for several products and companies, such as Nike, Gatorade, Hanes, and Upper Deck. He has also been a philanthropist and humanitarian, donating millions of dollars to various causes and organizations, such as education, health, social justice, and disaster relief. Michael Jordan is married to his second wife, Yvette Prieto, a Cuban-American model. They have been married since 2013, and have two children together: twin daughters Victoria and Ysabel. Michael Jordan also has three children from his first marriage to Juanita Vanoy, who he divorced in 2006: sons Jeffrey and Marcus, and daughter Jasmine. He is also a grandfather to several grandchildren, including his son Jeffrey's son, Rakeem. Michael Jordan is a living legend and a basketball icon. He has influenced generations of players and fans with his skills and achievements, which include six NBA championships, five MVP awards, 14 All-Star selections, and 10 scoring titles. He is widely regarded as the greatest basketball player of all time, and has been inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame twice, as a player and as a member of the 1992 Olympic Dream Team. He is the Nature Boy, and he is still alive and well in 2024. 

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