How to complete Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial

Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial is one of the most visually pleasing quests in Hogwarts Legacy, which is no mean feat. The game is overall beautiful, with plenty of picturesque places to explore, challenging enemies to take down, and intricate puzzles to solve.

Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial is one of the most visually pleasing quests in Hogwarts Legacy, which is no mean feat. The game is overall beautiful, with plenty of picturesque places to explore, challenging enemies to take down, and intricate puzzles to solve.

While many of the quests deserve praise, the transition scenes in Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial set it apart from the rest. Moreover, it is the only quest that allows you to wield the mighty Elder Wand.

So how do you proceed with it? In large part, Hogwarts Legacy will sequentially guide you through the quest, so there's not much head-scratching at any stage. However, knowing all the steps is always a good idea, and it will give you an estimate of how much effort the quest may require.

Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial Hogwarts Legacy guide

Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial is the thirty-fifth part of the main questline, so it will take you some time to get to it. Encountering Professor Fitzgerald in her portrait is the first step of the quest.

However, prior to that, you must procure the password to enter the Headmaster's office as part of The Polyjuice Plot quest. Disguising yourself as the current headmaster will grant you the password, which is when Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial will officially begin for you in Hogwarts Legacy. Here's how you can go about it.

  • Head to the Trophy Room. Take the stairs through the double gates and continue until you reach the Phoenix Statue on the left. Whisper the password, and you'll gain access to the stairs leading to the Headmaster's Office. Enter the room and go to the desk with Fitzgerald's portrait. She will instruct you to read the book kept at the back of the room.
  • Interact with the book, and you'll be sucked into a new area. The design of this level is incredible, resembling masterful black-and-white sketches. You must survive a gigantic hooded skeleton who summons others of his kind to kill you on sight.
The art design of this level is top notch. (Image via Avalanche Software)
  • Stealth is your best bet to complete Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial in Hogwarts Legacy. The Disillusionment spell will be auto-cast as you move from one set of enemies to the next. The idea is to keep yourself invisible and move when your enemies aren't looking.
  • Go underneath the bridge and take a ladder to climb up to the left.
Taking a stealth-based approach is a must. (Image via Avalanche Software)
  • Drop down from the other side of the roof and keep avoiding the enemies until you come to a courtyard where you will get the Invisibility Cloak.
  • Equip the Invisibility Cloak and walk past the enemies without being seen. Continue until you come across the Elder Wand.
  • As you equip the wand, the next segment of Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial in Hogwarts Legacy will begin. Cast Bombarda to remove the rubble blocking your path. There will be five enemies in your path, and you have to dispose of them.
  • Head to the castle where you will encounter yet another set of enemies and repeat the earlier process. As you move up the steps into the castle, more combat will follow. You have to defeat two waves of foes blocking your path. After eliminating them, return to the white space to interact with the glowing artifact, the third Deathly Hallow.
You will collect all three items at this point. (Image via Avalanche Software))
  • Pick up the Resurrection Stone and proceed to the cemetery where you will find a body lying.
  • Resurrect the body, and it will turn out to be Niamh Fitzgerald herself. Follow her to reach a giant statue with the Pensieve.
  • Use the Pensieve to view a memory of Niamh Fitzgerald where she talks with Isidora. Niamh felt that Isidora's use of magic was wrong and something she didn't agree with.
  • After the memory ends, return to the Map Chamber, where you'll meet with the fourth keeper, San Bakar.
  • San Bakar will get into a discussion with his fellow keepers before you can continue with his Pensieve.

This is where Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial ends in Hogwarts Legacy, and the next questline, In the Shadow of the Mountain, begins.

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